The first thing that I was disappointed about when I first saw both of the videos is the fact that they changed the name of the future world from Arcadia Landing to Oasis Landing!!! When I saw the live broadcast and heard King Choi talk about the new town and he kept calling it Oasis Landing and I thought he got the name wrong but it turns out the sims 3 team changed the name of it the reasons for this is completely unknown to me because I actually like the name Arcadia Landing, it was cool it was different and Oasis Landing sounds blah lol. But despite the unfortunate name change it does not change the way the world itself looks and it looks pretty amazing. The Sims 3 team worked really hard in making this world and all of it new features and with this being the last expansion for the sims 3 I feel they did a great job in ending the sims 3 franchise. From the look of the town, to the new ways of transport like jetpacks, the monorail, and the hoverboard aka the "windcrarver" lol which is a totally cool name I love all the different modes of transport. In regards to the descendants when they first told us that we get to meet our descendants I was like well how will that work? How will we know they are our descendants? In the producer walkthrough you see how the sim travels to the wasteland and meets his descendants, its just I don't know I mean I known you can change there lives based on what you do in the present but how do you know who your descendants are? Lol ists just still confusing to me. Now I am not going to get in to a very heavy detail of all the info that was released on this expansion pack cause it is a lot to breakdown and nitpick all of the feature so for that I am going to work on a facts blog for the sims 3 into the future, which is going to list all the new feature the game has to offer all in one place not only for my benefit but for the benefit of anyone who reads this blog.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
The Sims 3 Into the Future Post Gamescom Review
So with Gamescom behind us and Into the Future releasing in two months. I figure I give my opinions on what I thought of the live broadcast that was shown at gamescom and my opinions about the Producer walkthrough video release yesterday. So here they are.
The first thing that I was disappointed about when I first saw both of the videos is the fact that they changed the name of the future world from Arcadia Landing to Oasis Landing!!! When I saw the live broadcast and heard King Choi talk about the new town and he kept calling it Oasis Landing and I thought he got the name wrong but it turns out the sims 3 team changed the name of it the reasons for this is completely unknown to me because I actually like the name Arcadia Landing, it was cool it was different and Oasis Landing sounds blah lol. But despite the unfortunate name change it does not change the way the world itself looks and it looks pretty amazing. The Sims 3 team worked really hard in making this world and all of it new features and with this being the last expansion for the sims 3 I feel they did a great job in ending the sims 3 franchise. From the look of the town, to the new ways of transport like jetpacks, the monorail, and the hoverboard aka the "windcrarver" lol which is a totally cool name I love all the different modes of transport. In regards to the descendants when they first told us that we get to meet our descendants I was like well how will that work? How will we know they are our descendants? In the producer walkthrough you see how the sim travels to the wasteland and meets his descendants, its just I don't know I mean I known you can change there lives based on what you do in the present but how do you know who your descendants are? Lol ists just still confusing to me. Now I am not going to get in to a very heavy detail of all the info that was released on this expansion pack cause it is a lot to breakdown and nitpick all of the feature so for that I am going to work on a facts blog for the sims 3 into the future, which is going to list all the new feature the game has to offer all in one place not only for my benefit but for the benefit of anyone who reads this blog.
The first thing that I was disappointed about when I first saw both of the videos is the fact that they changed the name of the future world from Arcadia Landing to Oasis Landing!!! When I saw the live broadcast and heard King Choi talk about the new town and he kept calling it Oasis Landing and I thought he got the name wrong but it turns out the sims 3 team changed the name of it the reasons for this is completely unknown to me because I actually like the name Arcadia Landing, it was cool it was different and Oasis Landing sounds blah lol. But despite the unfortunate name change it does not change the way the world itself looks and it looks pretty amazing. The Sims 3 team worked really hard in making this world and all of it new features and with this being the last expansion for the sims 3 I feel they did a great job in ending the sims 3 franchise. From the look of the town, to the new ways of transport like jetpacks, the monorail, and the hoverboard aka the "windcrarver" lol which is a totally cool name I love all the different modes of transport. In regards to the descendants when they first told us that we get to meet our descendants I was like well how will that work? How will we know they are our descendants? In the producer walkthrough you see how the sim travels to the wasteland and meets his descendants, its just I don't know I mean I known you can change there lives based on what you do in the present but how do you know who your descendants are? Lol ists just still confusing to me. Now I am not going to get in to a very heavy detail of all the info that was released on this expansion pack cause it is a lot to breakdown and nitpick all of the feature so for that I am going to work on a facts blog for the sims 3 into the future, which is going to list all the new feature the game has to offer all in one place not only for my benefit but for the benefit of anyone who reads this blog.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
The Sims 4 First Thoughts
Hey Guys,
So as most of you Simmers know Gamescom started this week in Germany and today the Sims 4 team revealed a first look at what the Sims 4 has to offer and I have to say it has gotten me pretty excited about the Sims 4. At first I was all not into the sims 4 when they first announced it because I was still into the sims 3 and I was too busy playing that game but now that I have seen what the sims 4 has to offer, I am pretty happy with how the game looks so far. But anyway here is the trailer/producer type of walkthrough of the Sims 4.
So based on the trailer I am very impressed. The trailer started off with Create A Sim and how the new features work and instead of using sliders like in past Sims games you can change the look of your sims with just a click from your mouse.
Just like in the Sims 3 where you can change the facial features and the body types the Sims 4 has these same type of options but it gives you more of a wider range and more detailed in how you want your sims to look. But from the photos I have seen and from the video I did not see if you can change the height of the sim but hopefully a photo of that would be shown in the near future. The next part of the video went into the actual house building and the new tools for that. In all honesty I actually love building houses in my game although I am not the greatest builder like other simmers out there but I feel like I do a pretty decent job lol.
When I first saw the hose being built from the video it kinda reminded me of an advanced version of blueprint mode from the Sims 3 to the fact that if you don't like where you placed a room you can just pick it up and put it somewhere else and the new build function also reminded me of the Sims facebook game and how you can take the wall and expand it without having to demolish the wall to make it bigger. So at the moment I am not a big fan of the new build mode, maybe as more info comes in I might change my mind.
The next part of the video showcase the actual gameplay for the Sims 4 and the new emotions that your sims can have. The emotions give a whole new depth to your sims where instead of knowing what the sims mood is by the mood bar from previous games, where the sims were either happy or depressed the new emotions feature lets you know just how exactly your sims are feeling from happy, sad, depressed, furious, bored, confident, excited, fine, focused, flirty, passionate, and so much more. And emotions are also colored based kinda like a mood ring where the color of the emotions bar changes based on what mood you sims are in. From the look of things emotions bring a different feeling to the sims game play and since the sims is supposed to be like real life adding emotions I think is a great feature for the sims. Also with the decor I have seen so far, if this is the base game then then decor looks amazing, I mean compared to the base game decor from Sims 1, 2, and 3,the sims 4 decor looks more stylish and with that being the case I know when expansions for the sims 4 start to come out I know the houses would be nicely furnished. So based on the trailer and the screenshots so far I am looking forward to the Sims 4 and I can't wait for more information to surface on this game cause I will defiantly be blogging about it. UPDATE: So I was looking on amazon and the sims 4 was available for pre-order and also the release date was there now im not sure if this is the correct date but it says December 31,2014!!! Like OMG if this is the correct date then that is seriously a long wait considering to the fact that they are releasing trailers and game play info now and getting simmers excitement for the game up cause that is a long wait.
So as most of you Simmers know Gamescom started this week in Germany and today the Sims 4 team revealed a first look at what the Sims 4 has to offer and I have to say it has gotten me pretty excited about the Sims 4. At first I was all not into the sims 4 when they first announced it because I was still into the sims 3 and I was too busy playing that game but now that I have seen what the sims 4 has to offer, I am pretty happy with how the game looks so far. But anyway here is the trailer/producer type of walkthrough of the Sims 4.
So based on the trailer I am very impressed. The trailer started off with Create A Sim and how the new features work and instead of using sliders like in past Sims games you can change the look of your sims with just a click from your mouse.
Just like in the Sims 3 where you can change the facial features and the body types the Sims 4 has these same type of options but it gives you more of a wider range and more detailed in how you want your sims to look. But from the photos I have seen and from the video I did not see if you can change the height of the sim but hopefully a photo of that would be shown in the near future. The next part of the video went into the actual house building and the new tools for that. In all honesty I actually love building houses in my game although I am not the greatest builder like other simmers out there but I feel like I do a pretty decent job lol.
When I first saw the hose being built from the video it kinda reminded me of an advanced version of blueprint mode from the Sims 3 to the fact that if you don't like where you placed a room you can just pick it up and put it somewhere else and the new build function also reminded me of the Sims facebook game and how you can take the wall and expand it without having to demolish the wall to make it bigger. So at the moment I am not a big fan of the new build mode, maybe as more info comes in I might change my mind.
The next part of the video showcase the actual gameplay for the Sims 4 and the new emotions that your sims can have. The emotions give a whole new depth to your sims where instead of knowing what the sims mood is by the mood bar from previous games, where the sims were either happy or depressed the new emotions feature lets you know just how exactly your sims are feeling from happy, sad, depressed, furious, bored, confident, excited, fine, focused, flirty, passionate, and so much more. And emotions are also colored based kinda like a mood ring where the color of the emotions bar changes based on what mood you sims are in. From the look of things emotions bring a different feeling to the sims game play and since the sims is supposed to be like real life adding emotions I think is a great feature for the sims. Also with the decor I have seen so far, if this is the base game then then decor looks amazing, I mean compared to the base game decor from Sims 1, 2, and 3,the sims 4 decor looks more stylish and with that being the case I know when expansions for the sims 4 start to come out I know the houses would be nicely furnished. So based on the trailer and the screenshots so far I am looking forward to the Sims 4 and I can't wait for more information to surface on this game cause I will defiantly be blogging about it. UPDATE: So I was looking on amazon and the sims 4 was available for pre-order and also the release date was there now im not sure if this is the correct date but it says December 31,2014!!! Like OMG if this is the correct date then that is seriously a long wait considering to the fact that they are releasing trailers and game play info now and getting simmers excitement for the game up cause that is a long wait.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
The Sims 3 Movie Stuff: The Horror Genre
So just yesterday the new video was released from The Sims 3 Movie Stuff pack and this video was advertising the elements and stuff from the genre of horror. Horror can be either someone's favorite or least favorite genre ranging from comedy horror like Scary Movie, to horror suspense like Rear Window, to the ever classic scary horror with movies like The Exorcist and the Saw Movies and in my opinion those movies are pretty scary. I personally have a love hate relationship when it comes to horror movies, on one hand I love watching not only do they bring the entertainment of watching this crazed killer go on a killing spree but you also have the stupidity of the victims in the film as they go and investigate the basement where the killer is or as they are running from the killer they just so happen to fall on the floor lol and you are sitting on your couch watching these people and yelling at them for doings these things lol. And on the other hand its a HORROR and there are just some moment that are just too scary for me to handle and I just can't watch it. But I have to say some of my favorite horror's have to be The Exorcist, the Halloween franchise, and my favorite horror television show would have to be Supernatural. So lets take a look at the trailer.
I actually liked the trailer it looked like a play on what you would see in any classic horror, someone in the kitchen making food and all of a sudden the killer comes from behind and kills them. I also like the fact that they are combining these trailers with other expansion packs, the western genre was shown with pets and now this one was shown with supernatural which is cool cause not only does it give you new options for your normal sims but also your supernatural sims as well.
From the look of things this pack looks like it comes with some sweet new clothes. And the sim in the red her outfit reminds me of something from The Rocky Horror Picture Show which is one of my favorite films and her outfit looks like something Dr. Frank-n-Furter would wear. And the sim in the pink outfit looks like it would work well for the gypsy fortune teller career and I really love that scarf piece on top of her head.
Now in this photo the center sims outfit looks like a dead ringer for Sally's dress from the Nightmare Before Christmas one of my favorite Tim Burton films. I mean take away that head piece and give this girl orange hair and you would have Sally in your game lol. Now the other female sim in the photo even though it is the same outfit from the other picture but in the gray and black color scheme it reminds me of Edward Scissorhands and even with that new up do hair style my mind just thought of a female version of Edward Scissorhands. And the male's outfit has that same type of patch work as the other female sim and I think its ok but not great I don't like the way the jacket falls and the bow in the center I do not like.
In this photo it looks like we will be getting a brand new bed which is neat, some new curtains, a new bookcase, new columns, and way far in the back of the background a new fire place which I am in love with. I love the glowing eyes and the dark eerie feeling coming from it, I think I might be my new favorite fireplace. Overall I think the horror genre looks pretty cool I love that the creators made the clothing items reflect different movie that we have seen. So I hope you enjoy my review on the horror genre and tell me in the comments below: Do you love horror movie? And if so what is your favorite film?
I actually liked the trailer it looked like a play on what you would see in any classic horror, someone in the kitchen making food and all of a sudden the killer comes from behind and kills them. I also like the fact that they are combining these trailers with other expansion packs, the western genre was shown with pets and now this one was shown with supernatural which is cool cause not only does it give you new options for your normal sims but also your supernatural sims as well.
From the look of things this pack looks like it comes with some sweet new clothes. And the sim in the red her outfit reminds me of something from The Rocky Horror Picture Show which is one of my favorite films and her outfit looks like something Dr. Frank-n-Furter would wear. And the sim in the pink outfit looks like it would work well for the gypsy fortune teller career and I really love that scarf piece on top of her head.
Now in this photo the center sims outfit looks like a dead ringer for Sally's dress from the Nightmare Before Christmas one of my favorite Tim Burton films. I mean take away that head piece and give this girl orange hair and you would have Sally in your game lol. Now the other female sim in the photo even though it is the same outfit from the other picture but in the gray and black color scheme it reminds me of Edward Scissorhands and even with that new up do hair style my mind just thought of a female version of Edward Scissorhands. And the male's outfit has that same type of patch work as the other female sim and I think its ok but not great I don't like the way the jacket falls and the bow in the center I do not like.
In this photo it looks like we will be getting a brand new bed which is neat, some new curtains, a new bookcase, new columns, and way far in the back of the background a new fire place which I am in love with. I love the glowing eyes and the dark eerie feeling coming from it, I think I might be my new favorite fireplace. Overall I think the horror genre looks pretty cool I love that the creators made the clothing items reflect different movie that we have seen. So I hope you enjoy my review on the horror genre and tell me in the comments below: Do you love horror movie? And if so what is your favorite film?
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