Sunday, October 6, 2013

My Thoughts on the Broadcast From 10/1/13

     Now if you knew this or not there was a broadcast showcasing the Sims 3 Into the Future but unlike previous broadcast this one was private. Yup, this was one controversial broadcast and by controversial I mean fans were very angry that they were not able to see it because the broadcast was a special event only meant for the fan sites in the U.S. who advertise their game and give out info to the fans. Now I very much respect the sims 3 team that they want to do something special for their U.S. fan sites by giving them their own personal live broadcast but at least go about it right when it came to letting the fan sites know that this broadcast was only for them and so that they won't advertise a live broadcast on there website like it was a public viewing thing. That was one of the reasons people were so angry that these fan sites were advertising this broadcast but when people did tune in they got this private blocker and with the game's release in just a couple of weeks it made the non fan site fans feel more unwelcome  when it came to more info about the game and it make us wonder well why advertise this event at all? But in all honesty I thought it was nothing special I mean it didn't even bother me that I wasn't able to view the broadcast because I felt no new info was released that I already didn't know already and beside the video was going to be released to the public on Friday. But honestly if they had wanted to do something special for the fan sites then give them something different than their own private live broadcast because in my opinion that is nothing really special. When I saw the broadcast it just looked like a regular old broadcast that they do for the public and even the questions they asked were ok so I really did not see the need for the secrecy besides wasn't the fan sites "reward" was their invite to go to Sims camp at Gamescom in Germany I mean I would have loved to have gone or at least been invited to go but they invited and so would have dozens of other fans but they invited the fan sites for all the publicity they been giving there games. This live broadcast was nothing special nothing new I felt was shown and they even used the same house that they used in previous broadcast it would have been nice if they used a new house I would have loved to see the other houses. But I just want the game in my hands so I can play it for myself and really have some fun. The only big thing that I saw was the green rugs that let you plant stuff right in your home and you can put trees on them but that was it. And don't forget the next live PUBLIC broadcast is on Oct 17, 2013 where they will talk and show off the dystopia/utopia worlds and how to get them.

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