Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Sims 3 Live Broadcast 9/17 Breakdown

      So the Sims 3 Live broadcast aired on September 17 was showcasing The Sims 3 Into the Future, Midnight Hollow, and for some strange reason The Sims 3 Movie Stuff. Now I did not get the chance to see the live broadcast live due to school so I figure I wait till the replay. Well it turns out I was waiting for a while because the live broadcast replay is set to private since Tuesday and at the moment the video is still private. But I noticed that instead of trying to fix it the sims 3 team apparently uploaded separate videos of the live broadcast on Youtube and that is great for some one who saw the broadcast when it first aired and they just want to see a certain section of it but for someone like me I wanted to see the whole thing instead of the separate videos and these videos don't even include the Q&A portion. But thankfully some lucky simmer posted the live broadcast in full on youtube and I will post that one here on my blog, so here it is.

     So what did I think of this live broadcast? Well first off I loved the King Cho was hosting it because I am not a fan of Ryan and his fake excitement. King I feel has more of a personality when makes for a much more interesting broadcast. So the for thing on the agenda was The Sims 3 Movie Stuff??? First of I am a little puzzled as to why they are showing off this game because the game is already out so half of the simmers out there already know what is in this pack because they have been playing it for sometime. And honestly I felt like I was watching a review of the pack where they show off the contents, clothes, and items and I already have seen all of this stuff b/c A) I have the game and B) there are already reviews like this from youtube lets players. So I truly felt this point of the broadcast was pointless and unnecessary, maybe they just wanted to make the broadcast longer so they figured why not add The Movie Stuff Pack again in the broadcast even though its out in stores and simmers already know what is in the pack already, good job sims 3 team good job. If this was the case they should have extended the walkthrough of Midnight Hollow so Lisa could have showed off the CAS items instead of having her make it later and putting it up on youtube, which by the way it still isn't up, but I think it would have made the broadcast ten times better to see more info on Midnight Hollow.
      So with that being said lets get to beginning of the broadcast well at least for me, The Sims 3 Into the Future. King Cho did the pre-made walkthrough of the game where he showed off some female CAS clothing, hair, and makeup, should the sim synthesizing some food and made some Chocolate Gnomes, he showed us a plumbot who is afraid of humans and fainted on the spot and the he dirties the floor hopefully he has a cleaning chip so he can clean his own mess. Then we saw the Quantum Power Chamber:

 This Chamber comes with the limited edition of the game when you pre-order it and you can also change into a quantum power suit which allows you to transport to any community lot which is awesome now you have another way to travel in the future if you have the limited edition. Also I totally forgot about theses guys.

I think the sprites are too cute!!! Sprites are the new digi pets in the future if you have the holo disk object and you can also unlock more sprites over time. Then we got a look at the wasteland and the mysterious crash landed space ship and to get into the space ship well just like the map pieces in Island Paradise you would have to collect at least 4 mysterious fragments which will create a key that unlocks the ship. Inside of the ship are chambers with pedestals with different items to collect and you can also unlock program chips for stuff related to the sims 4 like the wall art and the dream pod. And while in the wasteland we got a look at the new plant the crystal plant.

The crystal plants are pretty cool not only can you plant them but you can inject them with emotions like love, happiness, laughter, and rage where you can use it on yourself or give it to another sim and you can also plant it in your own garden. Also now when you pre-order with origin along with the quantum power set you also get the Dark Industrial Set and from what King told us the set has like a Steampunk type of a vibe, as of right now no pic has been release at least to my knowledge but I will look out for it and when I do see it I will post it right here on this post.

Here is the origin exclusive content if you order ITF from Origin. it has that rustic industrial type look and I guess its ok its not as good as the limited edition item that you get if you order it from anywhere. I only saw this because its ITF related and this does not feel like the future.And that ends the ITF part of the broadcast now the moment everyone has been waiting for a first look at the final sims 3 store world Midnight Hollow!!!
       Midnight Hollow I think will be my new favorite sims 3 world my old favorite was Dragon Valley mostly because of the dragons and because the world reminded me of Charmed for some reason. So Lisa our favorite store world guru showed off the new world which releases next Thursday!!! So first impression from map view the world looks huge I don't know if its just me but store worlds seem to be getting bigger and bigger. But anyway I really like the concept behind the world this dark, victorian type feel and I like that kinda like Dragon Vally this world is also secluded from everything else because of the valley around it while the town itself kept it vintage appeal. So Lisa showed off the pieces available with the Savvy Sellers Collection which include some rugs, a couple of pedestals, and a new parking space. Now just like the Open for Business concept for the sims 2 the sims 3 works the same way but a little more advanced with sims 3 features, you can sell any item in build/buy mode from toilets to cars but it does not include collectables like minerals, seashells from Island Paradise and other things that your sims collect these items you CAN'T sell. Now you can set prices either individually, one item one price, or collectively all items same price. Then we got a look at the new venue that comes with the gold edition and that is The Golden Ticket Toy Store:

Yup that is right guys toy making is back in the sims and it is pretty sweet. The toy store is amazing when I first saw it my mind already began thinking of so many ideas that I can do with that toy store and some many other Toy Store's I can make with the items from the Toy Store. Does that ever happen to you? Like when you hear of a new item coming out with the sims especially when it comes to this world in general and you begin thinking off all the new items and shops you can now make with the open for business content. I know when the world was announced and we learned we are getting Open for business aspect back in the game I immediately knew I wanted to revamp all of my worlds with different shops. So Lisa also told us that YES our world will turn red just like in the pictures and I think that its awesome it will give this world that spooky eerie feel and I love that aspect and I like the fact that there will be no daylight in a sense. This world just brings so much nostalgia from the sims 2 from the Open for Business aspect, to the toy maker, and even the background music which is from the sims 2 and I just think those elements alone is what makes this world stand out from other worlds and I can't wait to get my hands on it. Oh and one last thing before I go in my last post I said stick with the standard version for now when you buy the world well for me at least that advice has changed because I defiantly want that Toy Store and I will be getting that gold edition. lol Happy simming guys!!!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

New World: Midnight Hollow First Thoughts

Ok so the final world that is going to be released for the Sims 3 was announced this week and its called Midnight Hollow. Its more of an eerie, creepy, Halloween/Victorian type of world with Victorian mansions and wait for it you get to run your own business!!!! Yup thats right anything from a furniture shop, a car dealership, an electronic store the possibilities are endless. Now I can official say that the open for business aspect is officially back in the Sims because in all honesty although the Its Business Time Industrial Oven was great for opening your own restaurant, with this new premium content item lets you open up a new shop just like the good old days from the Sims 2. So anyway here is the trailer that was released for this new world.

First of all props to the Sims 3 world team because this world looks amazing. I love the whole dark, spooky, steampunk type vibe I get with this town mostly cause I'm just that type of girl lol. And there are already some new outfits and clothing that I'm in love with.

Like this one I love those cute ponytails it reminds me of the hairstyles from the Anime books I would read and that dress is so cute its hard to see because she is bending down but I love the detail on the bottom.

See this whole Steampunk feel especially with the outfits the guy with the hat and goggles on top and the girl with this cute corset style of a dress which I love by the way.

    So overall I really love this new town and I will defiantly be buying this one when it comes out. Now the difference between the two versions the standard and the gold is not known yet. Aside form the price difference 2, 450 Simpoints, but since its a new world and its more than likely going to go on sale for like a thousand and something Simpoints just for the standard version and I haven't even touched base on the gold version so you would be spending $20 just for the standard. Now for the gold its a bit pricy its 4,350 Simpoints and on sale it would be about 3,250 Simpoints if my calculation is correct, you whould have to spend at least $40 just to buy enough Simpoints for the world. And at this point therre is no telling what you are spending it on because the info of what the difference is between the two versions is not clear yet. In my opinion right now the standard version is your best bet because it does include the premium content of the business cash register and really that is going to be the reason most people are going to want this world for that business aspect and unless the gold version offers this really amazing extra Premium content item like Aurora Skies did with its Toddler walker and playpen so your toddlers can teach themselves how to walk and talk cause that ballon was not all that great IMO. So yeah stick to the standard and when more info gets released hopefully during the live broadcast on Sept 17 at 10 am pst and thats at 1pm for people here on the East coast like me, then base your decision on what version you will be getting. Midnight Hollow will be released on Sept 26.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Sims 3 Movie Stuff Pack: Superheroes and Villains

Hi all so this week the final trailer for The Sims 3 Movie Stuff pack was released and it was all about the superheroes and supervillains, showing off the clothing and decor for them. Now I am some what of a fan of the superhero type movies and T.V. shows, as you know superhero movies have been exploding on the big screen for the last couple of years from The Avengers, Man of Steel, The Amazing Spiderman and from what I hear Justice League movie in in the makes as well. But aside from the big screen the small screen also gets its taste of superheroes from Smallville telling the story of a young Superman, Heroes and most recently Arrow which has become one of my favorite shows and Marvel Agents of the S.H.I.E.L.D a new show premiering this fall. I remember when I was younger I was a big fan of the T.V. show Teen Titans, The Powerpuff Girls, and most importantly Sailer Moon they were my favorite cartoon superhero shows growing up and I hope one day Teen Titans can be adapted to the big screen cause I will surly pay to go and watch it. But anyway enough talk lets jump into the trailer.

When it can to the trailer I thought it was ok I mean it did not blow my mind or anything. But here is where my issue comes up when it comes to this stuff pack, all though I like the idea concept Movie Stuff and picking three movie genres and bring element from different movies and giving it to our sims to have something new to wear and new objects to play with and to tell a story with that and I love that whole idea. But when you take an element like the hero or superhero or a villain most people associate them with having these amazing powers and abilities that no normal human can have to help save the world or destroy it and  for a stuff pack this does not work. From the trailer all I see is a bunch of sims at a Spooky Day party or some weird hero/villain costume contest the only thing hero/villain outfits adds to the Sims lives is a new outfit to where for a Spooky Day costume party.

I mean the costumes are ok you have this Freezer Bunny costume in the center doing the famous super hero pose, then you have the guy in a blue, green, and yellow costume I don't known maybe he is peacock man or something lol, the women have verity as well one in pants and the other in a skirt and the one in the red skirt her boots remind me of Sailor Moon's boots, you have the villain costume all in black cause what is a hero costume without the villain, and last but not least you have something for the kids in a greenish/yellow type of outfit. Aside from outfits there is also some new decor.

We get some nice new cars with the wing type back I mean paint that car all black and you have yourself the bat mobile and along with a new car you have a new motorcycle with some wings on it as well because every hero needs a car and motorcycle with wings. You have this floating glove in the back which reminds me of the Green Lantern where his lantern floats in the center of the light surrounding it. I have to say I really love the display case in the back showing off the costume and head gear it would be nice if that could work as a dresser to change to your superhero costume. Also in the photo you have some new posters, a new living chair and a new table but I can not figure out if the thing behind the floating arm is wall art or an just an arch leading to a new room, my guess is on the wall art.

Now this thing is pretty cool and if you can interact with it and if its not just for display then that would enhance the whole heroes and villains aspect to have a working laser I would love that so much. So aside some of the issues I have with heroes and villains genre I love most of the decor items and the whole idea of making your own lair is very interesting and I could have fun with that. So I ask you guys what is your favorite Superhero movie or favorite Superhero T.V. show? The Sims 3 Movie Stuff pack releases in just a couple of days on September 10 and if you guys Pre-order from Origin you get this.

An Origin exclusive pre-order The Director's Set which includes back stage items like the directors chair, movie lights like flood lights, mood lighting and search lights, a movie clapper and other baackstage movie related accessories.