When it can to the trailer I thought it was ok I mean it did not blow my mind or anything. But here is where my issue comes up when it comes to this stuff pack, all though I like the idea concept Movie Stuff and picking three movie genres and bring element from different movies and giving it to our sims to have something new to wear and new objects to play with and to tell a story with that and I love that whole idea. But when you take an element like the hero or superhero or a villain most people associate them with having these amazing powers and abilities that no normal human can have to help save the world or destroy it and for a stuff pack this does not work. From the trailer all I see is a bunch of sims at a Spooky Day party or some weird hero/villain costume contest the only thing hero/villain outfits adds to the Sims lives is a new outfit to where for a Spooky Day costume party.
I mean the costumes are ok you have this Freezer Bunny costume in the center doing the famous super hero pose, then you have the guy in a blue, green, and yellow costume I don't known maybe he is peacock man or something lol, the women have verity as well one in pants and the other in a skirt and the one in the red skirt her boots remind me of Sailor Moon's boots, you have the villain costume all in black cause what is a hero costume without the villain, and last but not least you have something for the kids in a greenish/yellow type of outfit. Aside from outfits there is also some new decor.
We get some nice new cars with the wing type back I mean paint that car all black and you have yourself the bat mobile and along with a new car you have a new motorcycle with some wings on it as well because every hero needs a car and motorcycle with wings. You have this floating glove in the back which reminds me of the Green Lantern where his lantern floats in the center of the light surrounding it. I have to say I really love the display case in the back showing off the costume and head gear it would be nice if that could work as a dresser to change to your superhero costume. Also in the photo you have some new posters, a new living chair and a new table but I can not figure out if the thing behind the floating arm is wall art or an just an arch leading to a new room, my guess is on the wall art.
Now this thing is pretty cool and if you can interact with it and if its not just for display then that would enhance the whole heroes and villains aspect to have a working laser I would love that so much. So aside some of the issues I have with heroes and villains genre I love most of the decor items and the whole idea of making your own lair is very interesting and I could have fun with that. So I ask you guys what is your favorite Superhero movie or favorite Superhero T.V. show? The Sims 3 Movie Stuff pack releases in just a couple of days on September 10 and if you guys Pre-order from Origin you get this.
An Origin exclusive pre-order The Director's Set which includes back stage items like the directors chair, movie lights like flood lights, mood lighting and search lights, a movie clapper and other baackstage movie related accessories.
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